F. Sponsored Review

388 reviews
53 helpful votes
52 disagrees

Fandcproperties review

Od F. Sponsored Review | 2 years ago
388 recenzí
53 užitečných
52 neužitečných
Recently contacted Fandcproperties to find an apartment in Dubai. I would like to say that the experience was overall quite pleasant. 😊 At first there was a little confusion about the commission - the figures they quoted at the beginning were a bit different from what they ended up with. But the manager explained everything, showed me where these charges are listed in the contract, so everything fell into place. 👍 I also liked how they took my wishes into consideration. I was looking for something quiet and cozy, and although they initially offered a couple of options that didn't suit me, they ended up finding exactly what I needed. Were a bit pushy, called often, but it rather showed they were interested in the outcome. 🏠 In the end, I am happy with my choice. I live in a great location, and although there were points that raised questions, my overall impression of working with Fandcproperties was positive. Would recommend them to anyone looking for real estate in Dubai - they really try to find the best for the client. 👌✨ Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

F. Sponsored Review

388 reviews
53 helpful votes
52 disagrees

Fandcproperties review

Od F. Sponsored Review | 2 years ago
388 recenzí
53 užitečných
52 neužitečných
Recently contacted Fandcproperties to find an apartment in Dubai. I would like to say that the experience was overall quite pleasant. 😊 At first there was a little confusion about the commission - the figures they quoted at the beginning were a bit different from what they ended up with. But the manager explained everything, showed me where these charges are listed in the contract, so everything fell into place. 👍 I also liked how they took my wishes into consideration. I was looking for something quiet and cozy, and although they initially offered a couple of options that didn't suit me, they ended up finding exactly what I needed. Were a bit pushy, called often, but it rather showed they were interested in the outcome. 🏠 In the end, I am happy with my choice. I live in a great location, and although there were points that raised questions, my overall impression of working with Fandcproperties was positive. Would recommend them to anyone looking for real estate in Dubai - they really try to find the best for the client. 👌✨ Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
0 recenzí v únor
0 stížností v únor
they ended
they ended up
Anthony Holmes
2 recenzí
2 užitečných
0 neužitečných
Od Anthony Holmes | a year ago
2 recenzí
2 užitečných
0 neužitečných
I recently contacted Fandcproperties to search for an apartment in Dubai, and while there were some peculiarities, my experience was overall quite positive. 🌟 The first thing I would like to point out is their proactive approach. Yes, I thought they were a bit pushy, but over time I realized that this was a manifestation of their eagerness to help. They offered me a lot of options, not all of them immediately fit my requirements, but it gave me a better understanding of what I really want. 🔍 The second point was the questions about the commission. I was initially surprised to see that the final fee was higher than originally discussed. But after discussing it with the agent, I realized that the extra cost was due to the additional services they offered. This trained me to be more careful when reading contracts, which I agree is a useful skill. 📝 Lastly, although the search process took longer than I expected, I appreciate their efforts in finding the perfect match for me. It showed that they truly care about their customers and are committed to meeting their needs, even if it takes longer. ⌛ Overall, although there were some things that could have been improved, I liked the way Fandcproperties treated me as a client. They really tried their best and in the end I found what I was looking for. I recommend them for your Dubai real estate search - their attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction is really impressive." 🌟✨
388 recenzí
53 užitečných
52 neužitečných
Od F. Sponsored Review | 2 years ago
388 recenzí
53 užitečných
52 neužitečných
Recently contacted Fandcproperties to find an apartment in Dubai. I would like to say that the experience was overall quite pleasant. 😊 At first there was a little confusion about the commission - the figures they quoted at the beginning were a bit different from what they ended up with. But the manager explained everything, showed me where these charges are listed in the contract, so everything fell into place. 👍 I also liked how they took my wishes into consideration. I was looking for something quiet and cozy, and although they initially offered a couple of options that didn't suit me, they ended up finding exactly what I needed. Were a bit pushy, called often, but it rather showed they were interested in the outcome. 🏠 In the end, I am happy with my choice. I live in a great location, and although there were points that raised questions, my overall impression of working with Fandcproperties was positive. Would recommend them to anyone looking for real estate in Dubai - they really try to find the best for the client. 👌✨ Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
they ended
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were a
were a bit
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