F. Sponsored Review

388 reviews
48 helpful votes
52 disagrees

Fandcproperties review

Da F. Sponsored Review | 2 anni fa
388 Recensioni
48 utile
52 inutile
Recently contacted Fandcproperties to find an apartment in Dubai. I would like to say that the experience was overall quite pleasant. 😊 At first there was a little confusion about the commission - the figures they quoted at the beginning were a bit different from what they ended up with. But the manager explained everything, showed me where these charges are listed in the contract, so everything fell into place. 👍 I also liked how they took my wishes into consideration. I was looking for something quiet and cozy, and although they initially offered a couple of options that didn't suit me, they ended up finding exactly what I needed. Were a bit pushy, called often, but it rather showed they were interested in the outcome. 🏠 In the end, I am happy with my choice. I live in a great location, and although there were points that raised questions, my overall impression of working with Fandcproperties was positive. Would recommend them to anyone looking for real estate in Dubai - they really try to find the best for the client. 👌✨ Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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