Andrew Anderson

1 reviews
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I do not recommend it to anyone!

Fra Andrew Anderson | vor 5 Monaten
1 anmeldelse
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I do not recommend it to anyone! The first and most important reason is the disgusting technical support, it is practically non-existent, sometimes if you are lucky they will answer by email with some template message. I ordered two wallets in a limited design and immediately paid for them. 10 days have passed, the order has not been sent and no one has contacted me. I write to technical support asking when they will send it? They answer me that they did not send anything because I specified the address not in English) They asked me to correct this, I wrote to them with the correction of the error. Three days later they write to me that all the cards in the limited design have already been sold including mine that I paid for ... And they offer to send me simple black cards that I do not need. I demanded a refund, and they stopped answering me. They simply stole my money! So I do not recommend it! Otherwise, you always risk losing yours money!
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