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Sponsored Review
460 anmeldelser
103 nyttige
72 ikke nyttige
Fra Sponsored Review | 3 years ago
460 anmeldelser
103 nyttige
72 ikke nyttige
I needed an affordable hotel near the metro as I was here for work. I didn't have much time to explore. Arabian Park suited me in that sense. It's true that the metro is just five minutes away, but it's the end station, so it's on the outskirts of the city. If I remember correctly, it's the third line from the beach. If you're planning to come here for swimming, be prepared for a challenging journey to the beach. I didn't like that there were many construction sites nearby. It felt like walking through a construction zone, constantly looking around to avoid falling buckets of concrete. That's definitely a downside. I believe they will organize everything better eventually, but right now it's not a pleasant experience. The hotel itself is good, up to standard. The staff is competent, ready to assist and help. Unfortunately, the pool was closed due to Covid-19 restrictions. However, there were still many people around, especially Chinese and Indians. The lines for food were long. I found the variety lacking. There were fruits and vegetables, but very little meat. What I needed was reliable internet and a quiet place. I got that fully here. However, if you're considering this hotel for a family vacation, I wouldn't recommend it.
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