
417 reviews
269 helpful votes
37 disagrees

Waste of time and money

Von Anonymous | 2 years ago
417 Bewertungen
269 nützlich
37 nutzlos
We had flight today 16th October from Warshaw Modlin airport to Riga. We had already checked in before this day. We arrived and went to the checking point. After that we waited the boarding . The stuff was speaking telephone and 2 men also waited. Than stuff accompanied them to the flight to Riga. When we come to the stuff they roughly said that we should go out of there and everything is over. We pleased to board us because outside people were still boarding in plane and 2 men were accompanied before us. But stuff was very unpleasant. This flight was delayed and stuff was just smoking outside and laughing. And we were forced to take another tickets in different company to fly home today!!!!! I am very disappointed of this airport Ryanair stuff, they behaviour and attitude and also fact that someone was boarded and some people like us and other 3 persons that also was waiting -no!!!!!!
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