Sponsored Review

460 reviews
99 helpful votes
71 disagrees

Investing in real estate with The Capital Dubai review

Da Sponsored Review | un anno fa
460 Recensioni
99 utile
71 inutile
When I started working with The Capita Dubai Real Estate, I was full of hope and expected that my dream of having my own apartment in Dubai would soon come true. 😌 At the presentation I was shown gorgeous visualizations of the residential complex, was told about the high quality of construction and fast delivery time. And now it's been two years since I became a happy owner of an apartment in this LCD. At first, yes, there were disappointments: the house has already been completed, but there was still construction around. Noise, dust, dirt - it was not easy. However, despite these difficulties, The Capita Dubai Real Estate team was always in touch. They kept me regularly updated on the progress of the work and I could see that they were really trying to speed up the process. Plus, when I walked into my apartment, I realized that it was worth it. The quality of the finishes, the view from the window - it's just amazing. 😊 I recently heard that most of the landscaping has been completed, and I hope to soon be able to enjoy the peace and comfort of my new home to the fullest. Yes, there have been challenges, but the final result I'm sure will exceed all expectations. 🌟👍
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