Jovani Reilly

2 reviews
1 helpful votes
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Food on Emirates airlines

De Jovani Reilly | il y a 2 ans
2 avis
1 utile
0 inutiles
"Emirates Airlines is definitely an airline that commands the respect and admiration of many travelers. When I booked my flight from Dubai to Frankfurt, I was optimistic, knowing the company's reputation. From the start, my experience was not bad - the check-in process was exceptionally fast, the staff was attentive and friendly. I really liked the way the boarding system was organized: everything was clear, without unnecessary delays and chaos. As soon as I settled into my seat, I felt that this flight was going to be comfortable. The cabin was clean, the seats were comfortable, and the staff seemed friendly and professional. However, when it came time for lunch, I encountered a bit of disappointment. Expecting the usual quality from Emirates, I was surprised to find that the main course was not as tasty as I had hoped. It was not the level I was used to from such an esteemed company. Fortunately, the dessert was a pleasant surprise - it was really tasty and lifted my spirits. I realize that evaluating food is a subjective matter, and perhaps other passengers would have a different opinion. But considering that I was very hungry, it was a noticeable disadvantage in my trip. Nevertheless, I would like to emphasize that despite this small disadvantage, I continue to consider Emirates Airlines as one of the best airlines in the world. I love their professionalism, attention to detail and commitment to excellence. I am confident that they will take passenger feedback into consideration and improve their services in the future.
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