Celebrity on Emirates Airlines
0 reviews in October
0 complaints in October
Connor Winters
2 reviews
1 helpful
0 useless
From Connor Winters | год назад
2 reviews
1 helpful
0 useless
I had the experience of flying from Lisbon to Singapore with Emirates Airlines. Expecting a smooth and seamless journey, I was somewhat taken aback by the lengthy layover in Dubai. I understand that Dubai's airport is a colossal hub, catering to numerous flights from all over the globe, but navigating from one terminal to another was truly taxing. Especially following the long haul from Lisbon, which was exhausting in itself. It felt to me that the airport's relaxation and recreation zones for travelers could be better organized, allowing weary passengers like myself a place to recharge. I struggled to find a comfortable spot to sit and await my next flight. Furthermore, the signage and navigation in the airport sometimes came across as confusing, adding to the strain. However, there are clear merits to flying with Emirates Airlines. The aircraft's cabin was pristine and spacious, and the onboard crew was attentive and cordial. Their in-flight entertainment system is undeniably one of the best I've encountered, boasting an array of movies, music, and games, which made the flight more enjoyable. Despite some hiccups with the layover, I wouldn't rule out flying with Emirates again. I hope my next trip will be smoother and more pleasurable.
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Stories from 5 clients by Emirates Airlines duration 3 years
Logan Saunders
1 review
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0 useless
From Logan Saunders | год назад
1 review
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0 useless
I recently flew the Dubai-Singapore route with Emirates Airlines, and to be honest, I expected more from an airline of this caliber. From the start, I encountered issues with the onboard Wi-Fi. I had planned to get some work done during the flight, but the connection was spotty and made it challenging to complete tasks. Moreover, I ran into problems with the inflight entertainment system. For some reason, it took quite a while to start up on my seat. When I flagged down a flight attendant for assistance, they tried their best, but it still took a considerable amount of time to get it working. The first couple of hours went by without any movie or music. After our meal, another issue surfaced: the dishes weren't cleared away promptly. While I understand the crew was busy, it’s these small details that can dampen the flying experience. However, there were aspects of the flight I genuinely appreciated. The crew was attentive and responsive. Whenever I sought help or had a query, they were on hand to assist. And once the entertainment system was up and running, I was impressed with the array of choices available. In conclusion, while I faced several inconveniences this time, I still trust Emirates Airlines for my future travels. Their commitment to service quality is evident, and I always appreciate their efforts to make every flight as comfortable as possible for passengers.
Carter Williams
1 review
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From Carter Williams | год назад
1 review
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0 useless
I had the chance to fly from Dubai to Malé with Emirates Airlines. I've always associated the airline with top-notch service and a premium flying experience. But, truth be told, this recent journey left me a bit cold – and I don't just mean the cabin temperature. From the outset, the chill inside the plane was noticeable. Wrapping myself in the provided blanket, I tried to get cozy, but the temperature was too chilly for comfort. Given the usually warm climate of both Dubai and Malé, the cabin's cold atmosphere seemed out of place. Another concern was the airline's entertainment system. A decade ago, Emirates' in-flight entertainment was lauded as revolutionary. However, time has moved on, and the content and interface now seem rather stale. The movie selection was dated, and the audio quality, particularly with the music channels, was subpar. That being said, there were undeniable highlights to this journey. The flight was swift, and the landing smooth. I particularly appreciated the culinary offerings. The meal was not only scrumptious but also well-presented, and the serving staff maintained their trademark courteous and professional demeanor. In conclusion, while there were aspects of the flight that didn't live up to my expectations, Emirates still manages to deliver on some key aspects of passenger experience. I trust they'll iron out these creases soon, maintaining their esteemed reputation.
Jovani Reilly
2 reviews
1 helpful
0 useless
From Jovani Reilly | 2 года назад
2 reviews
1 helpful
0 useless
"Emirates Airlines is definitely an airline that commands the respect and admiration of many travelers. When I booked my flight from Dubai to Frankfurt, I was optimistic, knowing the company's reputation. From the start, my experience was not bad - the check-in process was exceptionally fast, the staff was attentive and friendly. I really liked the way the boarding system was organized: everything was clear, without unnecessary delays and chaos. As soon as I settled into my seat, I felt that this flight was going to be comfortable. The cabin was clean, the seats were comfortable, and the staff seemed friendly and professional. However, when it came time for lunch, I encountered a bit of disappointment. Expecting the usual quality from Emirates, I was surprised to find that the main course was not as tasty as I had hoped. It was not the level I was used to from such an esteemed company. Fortunately, the dessert was a pleasant surprise - it was really tasty and lifted my spirits. I realize that evaluating food is a subjective matter, and perhaps other passengers would have a different opinion. But considering that I was very hungry, it was a noticeable disadvantage in my trip. Nevertheless, I would like to emphasize that despite this small disadvantage, I continue to consider Emirates Airlines as one of the best airlines in the world. I love their professionalism, attention to detail and commitment to excellence. I am confident that they will take passenger feedback into consideration and improve their services in the future.
Sponsored Review
460 reviews
99 helpful
73 useless
From Sponsored Review | 3 года назад
460 reviews
99 helpful
73 useless
До сегодняшнего дня у меня не было претензий к Эмиратс Эйрлейнс. Все было хорошо. Но сейчас я пишу и я очень зол. Мы более десяти лет семьей летали этой компанией, и были в восторге. Сначала нас просто на руках носили, и питание, и внимание. Теперь ребята испоганились, как мне кажеста, какое-то вымирание сервиса. Летели в Дубай в марте. Первое, что неприятно удивило, это был стюард. Супруга хотела обратиться к нему с просьбой, но он так пронесся мимо, что аж ветер в ушах свистел. Своей телегой только громыхнул. Когда наконец его дозвались, у него на лице было такое выражение типа мы бомжи которые случайно на борт залезли. Дешевизной пахнет за километр. Если раньше персонал был вышколен, то теперь можно только посочувствовать. как говорят у нас, ообнять и плакать. Второй момент. Сын попросил сока налить. Боже, это ж такой скандал подняли. не вербальнО, но глазами показали, что лучше бы мы прямо сейчас всей семьей с иллюминатора в море выпали. Это же ребенок!! я не понял, за мои деньги ему стакан сока лишний жалко? с таким отношением к пассажирам и хваленая безопасность не в плюс. Хотя тут не могу ничего плохого сказать, всегда полеты нормально и самолеты новенькие чистые. Исправьте сервис!!!!
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