Connor Winters

2 reviews
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espace condo purchase review

Від Connor Winters | рік тому
2 відгуків
1 корисний
0 некорисних
While choosing a residential property in Dubai, I came across Espace Real Estate. 🏙️ Initially it seemed to me that it would be easy and convenient to work with such a well-known agency. But in reality everything turned out to be not so rosy. 😕 During the search phase, I was presented with several properties that the agents thought would be a good fit for me. However, many of them were either above my budget or didn't meet my initial requirements. 🤔 The agents seemed to care more about their commission than the needs of the client. In addition, I was wary of the information about some properties. For example, one new building complex Espace Real Estate was described as ready to live in, but later I found out that there were still construction works going on. 🚧 However, while working with Espace Real Estate, I also learned about Sobha Harbor II. 🌆 Even though this project is still under construction, it seemed to me that it offers much more prospects. All modern requirements for comfortable housing are taken into account here, and I liked the individual approach to clients. ❤️ So, despite the initial difficulties with Espace Real Estate, I still found what I was looking for. In conclusion, I would recommend future buyers to be careful and analyze the agency's offers thoroughly. 🧐 And maybe you should pay attention to new projects like Sobha Harbor II, which may offer something really new and interesting. 🌟
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