The best food for dogs. Which one to choose and what to look out for

The golden rule for any dog owner is to feed your pet carefully. So that in a bowl there are healthy fats, and selected meat, and fiber with an impressive list of vitamins necessary for a dog. It depends only on your choice whether your pet will have good health, a smooth fluffy coat and a desire to show his restless energy. How to choose the best dog food manufacturer and what to look for - we understand in this article.

What types of feed can be bought today and how do they differ?

Dog food is conventionally divided into two categories: quality and format. When we talk about quality, there is a classification of feed: economy, premium and super-premium, or as they are often called, holistics. What is their difference? In the composition and set of products that they include. Economy-class foods are usually the cheapest and include organ meats, soy and wheat, and therefore, additional vitamins should be given along with such food. Premium foods already have 20-30% more natural meat and other healthy grains. This food is more expensive, but is considered quite good for a normal healthy dog. The most useful with an ideal composition are super-premium category feeds, which are more expensive than usual, but are made exclusively from natural meat or fish, and also contain vegetables, cereals, cereals, vitamins and minerals. It is also generally accepted that the best dog food is holistic, because it has practically no flaws in its composition and reaction to it.

In terms of the external format, all feeds are divided into fresh, frozen and dry. Today, some pet companies even offer delivery of fresh natural pet food. Live dog food is similar to our food, made from meat, cereal and vegetables. It does not go through deep freezing and is made from fresh products. Frozen foods can also be a good alternative: especially, dogs often like frozen sausages. But still, natural frozen dog food is different in that it undergoes freezing, and in some way it already loses its nutritional value. As for dry food, they are more convenient in their storage and shelf life. In addition, you need very little of this food to saturate the dog with the right ingredients and nutrients, as they are carefully processed.

Pet owners often share their impressions of certain foods in Stories. Especially if their influence on dogs is impossible not to notice. We have compiled a selection of such videos below. Pay special attention to the male Pomeranian with tattoos. Here is an unexpected result!

How important are the characteristics of dogs to consider when choosing food?

It is necessary to select food for a dog, taking into account its individual characteristics. This principle works exactly the same as it does for humans. For example, the best food for small breed dogs should contain enough vitamins and amino acids for their normal development. But you can’t feed this kind of food to an older dog that needs less fat and more protein.

These factors are always taken into account by feed manufacturers, offering a different range in the form of dry, fresh or natural. Which one to choose from often depends on both the dog’s lifestyle and yours. For example, a big advantage of dry food is that you don't have to cook and calculate the amount of each serving for your dog. All information about nutrition, balance and calorie content is already indicated on the package. It's fast, nutritious and convenient. But there are also disadvantages. Among them, although convenient, but still high heat treatment of products, during which their natural vitamins can be lost. Also, you can’t be sure of their quality, because you didn’t cook it yourself.

With natural or frozen food, things work differently, because you can control what you just gave your dog. You can be sure that the food does not contain preservatives or dyes, and the dog receives protein and fats in its natural form. And yes, there are also disadvantages here, because you need to spend time preparing food, make the right diet on your own, choosing products, and additionally give the dog vitamins.

Also, do not forget about the taste preferences of your pets. The same food can be useful for dogs of the same breed, but one will crush it in a minute, and the other will turn its nose. Below is a selection of Stories of some unexpected food reactions dog owners face. Labrador with video from a private estate is our favorite!

If you choose dry food, which one is better?

According to statistics, most dog owners still prefer dry food. We live in a crazy rhythm and sometimes it can be difficult to take the time to prepare food for ourselves, and therefore buying dry food seems like a good solution.

How to understand what is the best dog food in Ukraine? And among foreign brands? First of all, before buying, you should look at the rating of the best dog food, which describes their detailed composition, expert opinion and reviews of real owners. This will help you make your choice and understand the reputation of dry food brands. It is important to start from the price, composition and, of course, the needs of your dog. It is believed that the best dog food is super-premium food, but sometimes good alternatives can be found in the usual premium at a much lower price, and even in the economy.

As for the choice between Ukrainian and foreign manufacturers, quite often they are not inferior to each other in composition, but only differ significantly in price. How dogs react to Ukrainian food - in our selection of Stories. We think the Dalmatian will no longer touch the bowl if there is something that the owner poured for him ...

What diseases do dogs have and how do they affect the choice of food?

There is a special type of food - dietary, which veterinarians prescribe for the dog's diet in case of illness or allergies. It is important to understand that diet foods do not contain medications and do not eliminate the disease, but only help the pet to more easily endure its consequences. For example, the best food for dogs with kidney failure contains high quality protein and helps reduce the burden on the diseased organ. And the best food for dogs with gastrointestinal problems eases the stomach thanks to herbal beneficial supplements. And there are many different types.

For example, there is food for overweight pets, the best food for dogs with allergies, diabetes, joint pain, and even the best food for dogs with pancreatitis. Video with "special" dogs in our selection below. Watch out for the shocking change in a bulldog after eating a new food!

An important detail is that you can buy such food only after a personal recommendation from a veterinarian. It's also helpful to talk to other dog owners who have tried different foods and can offer good advice. Today, this is easy to do with the Ask.Direct service, where you can choose one or two dog owners and talk to them in a private chat. This is the fastest, most reliable and convenient way to find out useful information and at the same time get to know those who are already well known on different feeds.

The best Feed
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