The best hotel in UAE

It is hard to imagine that in just 50 years, the United Arab Emirates has become a symbol of paradise relaxation. Unprecedented luxury, Arabic flavor, hot climate and a sea of ​​entertainment - this is what first-class hotels in the UAE offer today. At the same time, they are offered not only to adults, but also to their little guests. Where is the best place to stay in the UAE if you are traveling with a child and what to look for when choosing a hotel? We will tell you the most interesting in this article.


Where are the most luxurious hotels in the UAE?


To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand a little about Arabic geography. Officially, the UAE includes seven emirates, but the most famous and wealthy of them are the capital of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. They are the largest magnet for tourists from all over the world. Both emirates are home to large-scale shopping centers, multi-storey skyscrapers, wide avenues and fashionable hotels, where the Arab elite prefer to rest: from oil tycoons to wealthy sheikhs. 


Most of us know better, of course, Dubai. It is a center of excellent infrastructure and breaks records for attendance every year. Hotels here are booked much in advance and this is almost always the case, so you should plan your vacation here as early as possible. The most luxurious of them are located in such famous areas as Jumeirah and Dubai Marina. Many tourists are so impressed by everything that they see here that they unwittingly take Dubai for the capital of the UAE. But this is a mistake: acquaintance with the official capital of Abu Dhabi would have impressed them no less! It is in Abu Dhabi that the second part of the most luxurious hotels in the UAE is concentrated. It is considered the largest, greenest and richest metropolis.  


Is it better to have a rest with children in Abu Dhabi or Dubai?


At first glance, Dubai and Abu Dhabi are quite similar to each other. They are captivating with their luxury, service and entertainment, but still have little differences. You need to take them into account depending on the purpose for which you are going to rest in the UAE with your child. 


It is important to know that the all-inclusive hotel system is not very popular in Abu Dhabi. It is believed that this concept limits the rest of wealthy people, and it is these people who fly in to soak up the warm sun of the UAE capital in its luxury hotels. Therefore, most of them offer accommodation only with breakfast or breakfast and lunch, although several all inclusive hotels on the coast in Abu Dhabi can still be found. As for Dubai, there are many more hotels with this concept. But in return, it is inferior to Abu Dhabi in the number of green parks and walking sidewalks. It's not so easy to walk in the fresh air in Dubai. Because of this, it is not recommended to come here with children in the summer. In general, the most favorable months for a vacation with a child in the UAE are October and November. The merciless sun begins here in May, when the mark on the thermometer reaches + 50 ° C in the shade, and therefore the resort cools down only by September. 


What do the best UAE hotels offer for kids? 


The best hotels in Dubai for families with children have special conditions for a fun and carefree family vacation. They have a special children's menu, babysitters, strollers and highchairs, as well as shallow pools, water slides and entertainment mini-clubs. In some hotels, details for children are so thought out that in restaurants you can even find coloring napkins and get a bathtub for bathing, a night light and a bottle warmer in your room. Even inexpensive Dubai hotels for families with children can provide this upon request. 


But besides just comfort for children in hotels, this country impresses with large-scale entertainment, which is literally at every step here. For example, in the same Dubai, there is the best water park in the whole UAE, Wild Wadi. There is also the best theme park, IMG Worlds of Adventure, dedicated to characters from popular films and cartoons, including Marvel. Kite Beach is considered to be the most popular beach for children in Dubai, because here you can spend time in a skate park, jump on a trampoline and eat the most famous Dubai burgers in the Salt food truck. In the same emirate, there is the largest shopping center in the world - The Dubai Mall with 80 entertainment points, from which children will definitely be delighted. Among them are the KidZania mini-city, where you can become adults for one day, and the aquatic zoo with an underwater tunnel, where more than 30 thousand marine animals live, including sharks. And if you are visiting Abu Dhabi, be sure to visit Yas Waterworld and Ferrari World with exclusive cars and the world's fastest roller coasters.


Beaches for children in the UAE. Where is the best place to stay?


The beaches in the UAE are beautiful in every sense. There is fine white sand on almost all beaches here, on which even little ones can run with pleasure. Hotels in Dubai for families with children with their own beach offer the most comfortable conditions, because they are built on the same level as the seashore and have clean sandy beaches with easy access to the sea. In addition, all these hotels have a team of lifeguards who guarantee the safety of both adults and children who relax in the water.  


Abu Dhabi's beaches are also strewn with fine white sand, which is washed by the waves of the Persian Gulf. By the way, the best hotels in this emirate are located near the Al Batin beach. Particularly good is the central beach of Abu Dhabi, which receives a prestigious award for cleanliness every year. No less fabulous beaches can be found in Sharjah. This city on the UAE map is considered a good place for a budget cultural city. Unlike Dubai and Abu Dhabi, it is always quiet and cozy here, which can be called a significant plus for families with children.  


What is the best hotel in the UAE for families with children? We recommend that you check your choice with the hotel rating, which is presented on our website. Here you can find up-to-date reviews of tourists and travelers who have already flown in them and know all the subtleties. Using the Ask.Direct service, you can even talk personally with one of them and ask questions you are interested in about a particular hotel. Do not be lazy and pay a little more attention to your trip to the UAE: especially if you are planning it with small children. 

The best hotel in UAE
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