The best hotels in the Maldives for families with children with a good house reef. How to choose and what to look for?

The Maldives has long been considered a paradise for a romantic getaway for just the two of you. But in recent years, families with children have increasingly come here to show young travelers the amazing places and phenomena of this island. One of these is the underwater world of the island or, as they are called, house reefs, strewn with many colorful plants and fish. We tell you where to go for such impressions and where to look for the best hotels in the Maldives with a good house reef, which are ideal for families with children.

What is special about Maldivian reef hotels? Why is it convenient to relax in them with children?

When we talk about the Maldives, we immediately imagine a blue lagoon with white sandy beaches. And there are really many such shores. But the nature of this tropical state is much more amazing than many people think about it. In the Maldives, there are shores surrounded by coral house reefs that can be explored with a mask at shallow depths. It feels like swimming in a huge aquarium, where turtles, fish or stingrays swim next to you. Agree that to see such an underwater world is very interesting for a person of any age, and especially for children!

In addition, the Maldives hotels with a live reef are equipped in such a way that the house reef is located under your villa or bungalow, and right from the doorstep you can view the treasures of the ocean and bright tropical fish with your children. Moreover, live reefs usually have a shallow sandy entry, and therefore are safe even for the smallest. Such places are better protected from waves and are ideal for swimming with children.

We have made a selection of Stories of the guests of these hotels. In addition, some of their disadvantages can be seen from them, as, for example, in the video of a family with twins.


Where are the best hotels with a good house reef located in the Maldives?

Before looking for hotels in the Maldives for families with children, it is worth a little understanding of the geography of this paradise. The Maldives itself is not the only whole island, but the Republic, which is a collection of 26 atolls with more than a thousand islands in the Indian Ocean. An atoll is commonly referred to as a coral island, which from above looks like a ring surrounding a lagoon. That is why, when choosing hotels in the Maldives on the map, you can evaluate by one appearance what kind of house reef is located around them. To do this, just open the Google Earth program, where its length and edge are clearly visible.

The most prestigious resorts in the Maldives with a rich living reef can be found on Baa Atoll, which is a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. The marine life here is incredibly colorful and rich in marine life. This list includes the equally picturesque North Male Atoll, North Ari Atoll, Gaafu Atoll and Dhaalu Atoll, as well as islands such as Filitheo, Kondolu and Huwahendu. The journey to each of these places will take a different time and will differ in the mode of transport, because some can only be reached by seaplane, and for some a trip by speedboat will be enough.

The best among the local resorts with a house reef are expensive 5-star hotels in the Maldives. But choosing a place with a beautiful coral reef does not mean at all that you are depriving yourself of white sand. Some hotels in the Maldives with a sandy spit combine both endless beaches with clear water and house reefs that are ideal for snorkeling.

To see the five-star hotels of the Maldives from the inside, see the selection of Stories. Video of the newlyweds is our hit!

How to understand that a hotel with a house reef is suitable for families with a child? What should be in it?

Preparing for a family holiday in the Maldives requires more attention than a holiday in European countries. This is because most of the hotels on the island are romantically oriented and do not offer special conditions for staying with children. And getting baby hygiene products or milk formulas here is not so easy and sometimes obscenely expensive.

First of all, pay attention to the availability of suitable room categories. Some 4-star hotels in the Maldives offer accommodation not just in a room, but in a villa, for example, with two bedrooms. After that, find out how things are with food at the hotel. Some five-star hotels in the Maldives have a special SPG program, through which children can get unlimited access to various food options for a fee. Seafood, freshly squeezed juices, a variety of fruits and desserts are in special demand on the island.

Make sure your child will not get bored during their stay. Children's pools with toys, playrooms with trampolines and many master classes are just a small part of what the best hotels in the Maldives have for families with children. They often host cooking and dancing workshops, teach Maldivian language lessons, create sand sculptures and hunt for crabs. There are also special diving offers for children and many water activities, such as dolphin cruises, surf lessons and fishing. And for an additional fee in such hotels you can always order babysitting services, if it is not included in the price.

By the way, it is important to know that the best hotels in the Maldives have Russian-speaking staff, so if you or your child need something extra, in such a hotel you will be easily and quickly understood and will be happy to help. Why is it important? Look at the examples of situations that hotel guests have faced and told about it in their Stories. Especially pay attention to the video with a child who needed urgent hospitalization ...

How to choose a really good house reef hotel in the Maldives?

When choosing a hotel in the Maldives, pay attention to its reputation and reviews. Going on such a long journey, it is important to be sure that you are going to a safe, beautiful and comfortable place. Especially if you have children with you. We believe that it will be useful to review the rating of the best hotels in the Maldives for families with house reef, which is presented on our website.

What situations can you get into if you do not take into account the reviews? Watch in the selection of Stories and especially the video with the scandal in one of the Maldivian hotels, which spoiled the couple's two-week vacation.

And to finally verify the reliability of the hotel, try using the Ask.Direct service. This is a chatbot that will select for you one or two past guests of the hotel who have already rested in it and know all the intricacies of the stay. You only need to choose a convenient messenger in which a dialogue with this person will begin, where you can ask any question that interests you. A quick, easy and reliable way to make sure you choose the right hotel when it comes to family vacations in this paradise.

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