The best cleaning company in Kyiv

“What to clean there” is the most stereotypical question that you can ask yourself when choosing a cleaning company. While some are in doubt, others save a lot of time, effort and even money by ordering cleaning, after which the house smells fresh: clean floors, crisp bedding and order in the closet, for which parents would definitely praise in childhood. But how to choose the right cleaning company from all that are on the market in Kiev today? How to understand that here you will not be deceived, but the apartment will really be perfectly cleaned? We share useful recommendations and life hacks for choosing the best cleaning companies in the capital.

Is it really so convenient and profitable to order cleaning today?

We live in a modern and contented fast world, where you will not surprise anyone with home delivery of groceries, parallel services in beauty salons and virtual voice assistants. Cleaning is just as popular and, as it often turns out later, a very convenient service in the house. To experience its benefits, it is enough to order a test cleaning of the apartment once and realize that you have successfully saved time, effort and money. Firstly, the cleaners know how to professionally clean an apartment in 30-40 minutes: it depends on the general area and the complexity of cleaning. To do this, they have special equipment and detergents, which to buy for their own home for self-cleaning is not a cheap pleasure. Secondly, the cleaning company provides its services with a guarantee that neither furniture, nor parquet, nor other surfaces of an apartment or house will be damaged. Do you need a dry cleaning of upholstered furniture? Cleaners know a gentle and fast way. Do you need disinfection without aggressive agents? These are also in their arsenal.

Thirdly, practically every cleaning company in Kiev provides its services with the possibility of purchasing a subscription. By purchasing several cleaning services at once, you significantly save money and get in return, for example, a weekly thorough cleaning of your apartment, which shines with cleanliness and freshness. Moreover, a cleaning company for cleaning an apartment can not only wash the floors, wipe dust, water the flowers and put things in order, but also do any routine work that usually takes a lot of time, namely, change bedding, wipe off grease from the stove, stack things neatly in cupboards and even wash sinks, toilet bowls and bidets, removing rust.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a cleaning company?

Before choosing reliable specialists who will help you simply put things in order or clean an apartment after renovation in Kiev, you should know about some important nuances. The first one is the reputation and time of the company in the market. It's good when a cleaning company has been cleaning for about 5 years or more.

Another important nuance is the cost of services. Not everything is as obvious and easy as you might think. It is best to take a closer look at those cleaning companies that offer the average price on the market. Why? Companies that are likely to use conventional equipment and detergents instead of professional ones put the price tag too low. Looks attractive, but can end with fraught consequences. At the same time, choosing cleaning products with too high a cost, it is possible to simply overpay for a big name and brand.

And of course, responsible, decent and trained cleaners work in the best cleaning companies in Kiev, after whose visit situations of loss or damage to property are excluded. But in any case, you must ask the cleaning company in advance how it behaves in such situations and whether it takes responsibility for its employees. Most of the best cleaning companies in the city are willing to make up for the damage and make up for the loss if this happens to their customers. And yes, do not hesitate to find out directly which cleaner to go to clean your apartment if you do order the service.

How much does it cost to clean an apartment after renovation? And the office?

If people who doubt for a long time - do they really need express cleaning or general cleaning once a week? And in this case, you can still weigh the pros and cons, although in many situations the majority comes to the advantages of the first option. But when it comes to cleaning an office or apartment after renovation, the answer is obvious. The cheapest apartments will cost 35-60m²: about 2000-2500 hryvnia for one general cleaning after renovation. For the same cleaning of an apartment from about 60 to 100 m², you will have to pay from 3000 to 4000 hryvnia. These prices are in the middle range, so how much it costs to clean an apartment after renovation can be clarified directly with the manager of the cleaning company after renovation, indicating the exact area of your apartment.

Cleaning companies really "save" after the flood and fire, professionally eliminating the smell of burning, smoke and dampness. And it is also quite convenient to order the services of a cleaning company for cleaning the territory, premises and especially offices. Cleaners carefully clean the workplaces of all employees, put things in order in the sanitary rooms and polish furniture to a shine. You can order both daily cleaning and general cleaning once a week. The cost for it will also be calculated according to the total area: on average - from 20 hryvnia per 1m².

How to choose a cleaning company in Kiev and which are the best among them?

The best Kiev cleaning companies are actively fighting for customers and value their reputation, and therefore offer both favorable conditions and a truly high level of cleanliness. From this, cleaning an apartment in Kiev seems to be not such a task with an asterisk, but there are things that cannot be ignored when choosing a cleaning company. This is the presence of a website and social networks. Yes, in our time it really matters. Pay attention to the real reviews of people about the cleaning company in the same Instagram, because if they really liked it, they will honestly write about it.

If even after such a check you still have doubts, open the Ask.Direct chatbot and contact directly people who already use the services of cleaning companies in Kiev. The service will select one or two clients for you, whom you can ask about how cleaning usually takes place, which cleaners come and whether there were any unexpected "surprises" from a certain cleaning company.

The best cleaning company in Kyiv
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