The best international law firms in Ukraine. How to choose and what to look for?

legal market in Ukraine has always been saturated. There have been years when new law firms have opened literally on every corner. Fortunately, these times are long gone, and today only strong representatives of the legal sphere have become entrenched in the market, who were able to prove a high level of their competence and build an impeccable reputation. But how to choose the best among them and what to pay attention to? We share useful tips and advice in our article. 

Choosing an international law firm in Ukraine. How to understand that we are really professionals?

When it comes to choosing an international law firm, the first step is to understand that they must be professionals with more than 10 and sometimes 20 years of experience. In this case, experience really matters. Pay attention to those companies that have been providing legal services for more than a year and can document their specialization. It is especially worth looking at her website. Some clients don't take this detail very seriously, despite the fact that most fly-by-night shell companies use single, quick-handed sites. It is important that the official resource of an international law firm has a convenient interface and contains freely available detailed information about its activities, services and qualifications of those professionals who will be immersed in your case.

An important fact is the experience of working with English-language projects and regulatory documents. Why is it important? If your appeal is related to the resolution of a dispute in an international arbitration court, then representatives of a law firm must know not only international conventions and the basics of foreign law, but also be fluent in foreign languages.

Another distinguishing feature of professionals is their high quality service. How is it expressed? See a selection of Stories from clients of various law firms, in which they show clear examples of customer focus and special treatment of their clients. The company from Kiev especially distinguished itself, how do you like it? 

What is the difference between a conventional and an international law firm?

The best law firms in Ukraine usually provide services within the national jurisdiction. Ukrainian lawyers practice Ukrainian law, Russian lawyers practice Russian law, and German lawyers practice German law, etc. Such a scheme is arranged in every country, where lawyers are required to practice only the law that they have studied and for which they have obtained qualifications. But due to the globalization of business, many of them have to operate on the verge of several jurisdictions, providing services based on international legislation. Therefore, the most prestigious international law firms that you can trust maintain relationships with leading international companies, banks and other organizations in various fields of activity in order to provide legal services not only at the level of their country, but also in other countries of the world. That is, when you have a legal issue related not only to support from Ukrainian lawyers, then it can be solved in international law firms.  

Thanks to business relationships with foreign highly qualified lawyers, specialists of international law firms in Ukraine are ready to offer an effective solution to any issue to their clients. Regardless of the legal problem - complex or simple, abroad or in Ukraine - they solve it on their own, or in cooperation with foreign colleagues. Such companies are largely responsible for their professional support, which they provide, because it includes not only their competence, but also their partners.

What are the specifics of international legal affairs? We have several Stories. In them, clients talk about the services that such firms provide them, and about the cases they take on. Few people share details like this, so be sure to check it out. Pay special attention to the company that works with America.

What services can be obtained by contacting the specialists of such a company?

International law firms in Kiev provide online and offline legal services. Today, even under conditions of quarantine, it is quite possible to seek legal advice online. Usually, within 24 hours, each client receives constructive feedback on his issue and a further list of proposed actions to solve them - from collecting and drawing up documents to submitting them to the necessary authorities. The list of such services includes registration and support of foreign companies, opening accounts in foreign banks and payment systems, and additionally - legal services under Ukrainian and international law. In addition, Ukraine has an impressive selection of the best law firms for intellectual property and for IT companies.

Many people believe that such issues can be easily resolved by having an in-house lawyer in the company. But in fact, it turns out that it is not easy for one person to be a real expert in several directions at once. Situations vary, and often active social media managers share the challenges they face and how lawyers help them resolve the issue. Watch a selection of videos with such stories and especially note how cleverly the professionals of the international law firm in Odessa solved the difficulties of concluding an agreement with a Chinese sewing factory.

Who and how makes the ratings of the best international law firms in Ukraine?

The best law firms and the best international law firms in Kiev are united by the fact that they are always focused on the client and his problem. For each of them, their own reputation and the trust of the multimillion-dollar companies and small businesses that choose them are important. Of course, people who have little understanding of jurisprudence sometimes do not understand how to choose good specialists and it seems that all lawyers are alike. For such situations, there are expert all-Ukrainian ratings, which are compiled by authoritative committees in the field of jurisprudence. 

But besides the marks at such competitions and getting a place in the objective rating, international law firms should be recognized among Ukrainians as well. Confirmation of the ability to effectively solve the client's problems is the key to her successful work. That is why a good way to choose an international law firm is to study the reviews of its previous clients.

Yes, unfortunately, the feedback from companies on cooperation with law firms is not always positive. Often times are missed, documents are redone several times, and sometimes mistakes are made that cost clients of would-be lawyers a lot of money. A selection of Stories from clients affected by unprofessionalism, see below. How do you like the situation that the European cosmetics store tried to solve after contacting pseudo-professionals?

On our website, you can familiarize yourself with the rating of international law firms in Ukraine, which includes feedback from Ukrainians about cooperation with each of them. This is a convenient opportunity to understand which international Ukrainian law firm you should contact in order to get a competent solution to your issue, and what you should pay attention to when choosing. You can also personally chat with one of the clients of the selected company in the messenger to directly ask about his experience with it. This is easy thanks to the Ask.Direct service. The Ask.Direct button is located on the right in the column with the description of the company. 

The Best Legal Company in Ukraine
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