The best private schools in Kyiv. How and what to choose for your child?

Private educational institutions are an absolute trend in the educational sphere of Ukraine. At a time when public schools follow standard and often outdated teaching formats, private schools continue to keep up with the times. Today they are successfully adapting to the demanded standards in world education and are betting on the development of multifaceted personalities. How are these educational institutions in Kiev organized today and where is the best place to send your child, taking into account his needs? We answer these questions in our article.

Why is a private school better than a public school?

The advantages of choosing to study in a private school today are much greater than in a public one. Firstly, such educational institutions are equipped at a fairly high level, including classroom furniture, computer equipment, modern design and a well-groomed closed territory. Secondly, all private schools practice an individual approach to the child with his maximum involvement in the educational process. As a rule, the number of students in one class here does not exceed 12-15 children. In comparison, public schools easily recruit classes of 27-30 children. Thirdly, it is a training format that involves a deep study of the exact sciences, basic subjects and foreign languages, as well as the development of leadership skills.

Even specialized private schools have been opened in Kiev, aimed at learning the programming language, entrepreneurship and financial literacy. In addition, most of them offer students improved nutrition, a variety of circles such as acting, athletics, drawing and singing. At the same time, after graduation, all private schools in Kiev issue state-recognized certificates to graduates, and some specialized ones also provide international certificates with which students can continue their education abroad: in Canada, the USA or the UK. There are also schools that can remotely educate children in US schools. After passing such training, they receive a certificate of graduation from an international school, which, unlike Ukrainian, is recognized in all countries of the world.

Would you like to see how children are taught in private schools? We found several Stories that visually show the whole kitchen from the inside. Especially pay attention to the video from the dining room and how the children behave during lunch ...

In which district of the capital should you choose a private school?

Today, more than 60 private schools are open for little Kievans. Most of them are located in the Goloseevsky district. Also, a sufficient number of schools are located in Shevchenkovsky, Solomensky, Darnitsky (many private schools are in Poznyaki and Osokorki) and Dniprovsky districts. But the least private institutions are located in Kiev on Podil and Obolon. It would seem that a small number are located in Pechersk, but it is this area that is considered to be the best in the ranking of private schools in Kiev. It is here that the prestigious private educational institutions of the city are located, among which there are those that are among the hundred most innovative in the world.

Nevertheless, each of these schools in different areas offers its students a modern material and technical base for the educational process and uses new educational methods. This is important to understand if you are not ready to spend time in Kiev traffic jams in the morning and still want to take your child to a school that is as close to home as possible. But if, when choosing, you are based only on the status and advantages of the school, then in this case it makes sense for your child to be tested in the most famous private schools in Kiev, which are located in the Pechersky district.

By the way, many private schools have their own transportation. See what it looks like in our selection of Stories. Pay attention to the video with the delivery from the Midgard school. For transportation, they hired a real American school bus!

<Therefore, no matter which bank you live on, left or right, in private schools there is a wiring and this maximizes the logistics of delivering students.> (editor's notes)

How is the rating of the best private schools in the capital compiled? What to look for when choosing?

Education standards and prospects for a child's education are the first things they pay attention to when ranking the best private schools. It is important that it teaches all the necessary basic subjects that the certificate requires for admission to higher educational institutions. Additionally, circles, sections, courses and electives, as well as a deep study of foreign languages are taken into account.

Equally important is the reputation of a private school. To get on the list of the best in Kiev, it must have a license and state accreditation. Only in this way a private school has the right to carry out its activities and issue state certificates to its students.

The next item in the ranking takes into account the stay of children in school and the opportunities for their comfortable learning. This list includes food, availability of medical care, safety standards and modern equipment. The training schedule also matters. Many private schools have an extended day format from 8:00 to 19:00. And some private schools in Kiev even offer students a personal load schedule that can be adapted to the speed of mastering the curriculum.

In some schools, additional circles are organized in different areas, in others - training in professional football, lawn tennis or even hockey. And thirdly, all together, because they pay special attention to extracurricular education. We have selected Stories, after watching which you will be surprised what children are not taught in private schools in addition to the main program!

Will a child in a private Kiev school be able to master English perfectly?

Almost all private schools in Kiev with an English bias therefore teach their students foreign languages. But there are also those who offer a deep study of the language, forming the ability to speak it freely and easily from childhood. To understand how carefully this issue is approached in a private school, it is worth considering some factors. The first is whether classes are held at the school with a native teacher. The second is whether English education at this school provides good preparation for passing the TOEFL, IELTS and SAT exams.

In Kiev, there are specialized international private schools that practice this approach and teach their students even basic subjects exclusively in English. Thanks to being in such an environment, your child will learn not only to speak it, but also to think, easily expressing his point of view even on the most complex topics.

It is priceless when children have the opportunity to communicate with native speakers of foreign languages from an early age. We have collected several Stories about lessons with native speakers from different private schools. Pay attention to how children speak to a native British English speaker!

Private schools in Kiev with Russian as the language of instruction?

<There are no such private schools, but there are public schools> (editor's notes, topic not disclosed)

What are the prices today in private schools in Kiev?

<What prices and what do I offer for them, how do they differ from one another, the average price in Kiev is $ 1000 per month and it will probably be without food> (editor's notes, topic not disclosed) There are also inexpensive schools, the most expensive schools are in districts of Pechersk.

On our website, we have collected the most up-to-date information about private schools in Kiev, which will help you decide on the choice of the best private educational institution in the capital for your child. This rating is based on our data, which included an assessment of the school's reputation, educational process, and student benefits. And based on feedback from happy parents sharing their experiences on Ask.Direct

The best private schools in Kyiv
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