Virtual Banks of Ukraine

Banks of Ukraine with virtual cards are no longer just another trick of scammers or a joke. Today, these are responsible and modern structures that offer Ukrainians a full range of financial services in the “without leaving home” format. It is difficult to argue with their advantages: after the first months of using such a card, you will not want to do this. But how to choose among all these banks is really the best and most reliable - a question that should be considered carefully. We tell you important criteria in choosing virtual banks that you might not know about.

What is the main advantage of virtual banks in Ukraine?

The ability to open a card in a virtual bank has a number of amenities that are not inferior to conventional banks. On the one hand, virtual banks in Ukraine do not have physical points and you cannot just come to the manager with any question. But you can solve it quickly and conveniently in any messenger in just a few clicks. This is a new model of communication between customers and banks, which saves time, money and effort on the road. The absence of a queue and online help is perhaps the first and most important advantage that virtual cards of Ukrainian banks provide.

Having such a bank on your phone is also interesting because many of them have attractive referral program conditions. You can invite your friends to install a mobile application with a bank card on their smartphone and receive a reward of about 50 UAH. The more friends, the higher the cashback.

In addition, the best virtual cards in Ukraine provide not only the ability to store money and pay on the Internet, but a full range of services. You can take a loan, make a deposit, make a transfer and open a savings account. And even the best virtual cards of Ukraine allow you to use convenient features such as sharing bills in restaurants with friends and a stable cashback from the categories of purchases that you most often make.

How can one open a virtual card in a Ukrainian bank today? What is needed for this?

Today, the best virtual bank cards can be opened within 10-15 minutes. At the same time, a virtual card is opened without visiting a bank in Ukraine. To do this, you just need to download the bank's mobile application from the AppStore or Google, fill out the registration form and send the requested personal data. As it is right, all the best mobile applications of Ukrainian banks ask for a passport and TIN, which are easy enough to take a picture of. After that, your documents go through online data verification and after they are approved, you get access to your open account.

If suddenly it seems to you that it is not safe to send your data, because a virtual card in Ukraine without a passport is also possible, then we advise you to be more wary of such offers from the bank. This is a fairly common myth that scammers often use when they offer to issue a virtual card in Ukraine online without documents and deposit money into their account. There are cases when, after that, clients suddenly lost them.

Sometimes a virtual card can also be made physical, because after registration, some mobile applications of Ukrainian banks offer to receive it at points of issue or by courier delivery.

What virtual cards are generally available in Ukraine and how do they work?

Virtual credit cards in Ukraine work on the same principle as physical ones. They present the usual range of online banking functions, where you can pay utility bills and open a deposit or loan. Usually a virtual credit card with an online limit in Ukraine offers an amount of about 200-250,000 hryvnia. It is most convenient to return money to your account, because you have a comfortable grace period, which does not provide for any commissions and additional payments.

Every best banking mobile application has an integrated digital wallet that allows you to easily transfer money both within a virtual bank and to cards of any other Ukrainian banks. Commission for internal transfers, payments for purchases and replenishment of the mobile is not removed. This only happens when you are going to withdraw money from an ATM.

Recently, a children's virtual card has also been available in Ukraine, which can be issued to children from 6 to 16 years old. Its main advantage is the parental control function: you can set a limit and monitor all banking transactions that the child has made. An important condition is that parents can open a virtual children's card only in the bank in which they themselves are served.

What are the criteria for choosing a reliable bank where you should open such a card?

The best virtual banks in Ukraine are united by the fact that they are always focused on the client and his problem. For each of them, the trust of both small and medium-sized businesses and ordinary people who choose them is important. Sometimes it is not entirely clear to open a virtual card online in Ukraine and it seems that all of them seem to be similar to each other. For such situations, there are expert ratings, which are compiled on the official performance of banks, and fully reflect their real ratings to Ukraine.

We recommend looking not only at ratings, but also at reviews. It is advisable not to monitor them on dubious sites, but to ask bank customers directly: about tariffs, commissions, loans and other "pitfalls", if any. To save your time, we recommend that you try the Ask.Direct chatbot, in which you can personally chat with any client of the virtual bank of your choice. To do this, you need to select a convenient messenger and wait for the dialogue to begin. As soon as the interlocutor connects to you, feel free to ask any questions, find out the details and ask for the necessary information. Today, thanks to such a simple and fast way, you can find a really reliable virtual bank in just a few clicks.

Virtual Banks of Ukraine
Recent Reviews


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From Sponsored Review | 4 years ago
460 reviews
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оформил себе карту спортбанк. Я студент, и не хотелось связываться с этими отделениями, где постоянно куча бабулек на кассах, не пройти не проехать. Приложение такое, сыроватое. бонусы, я так понял, начисляет не сам банк, а живой оператор сидит и начисляет. каменный век конечно, ну то такое. Хуже того ,что карту можно получить не в каждом городе. вот например там, где я учусь без проблем, а если приехал к родителям, то тут уже так прост оне получить, но там вроде по почте отправляют, не уточнял. само оформление уд...


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From F. Sponsored Review | 3 years ago
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Недавно стала клиенткой изибанка, стало интересно как это все работает😄Скачала приложение, вроде все просто, нужно было подгрузить фотки паспорта, кода и еще чего-то. Отправила это все, в принципе быстро проверили, под конец дня меня уже активировали как пользователя. Приложение прикольное, все очень просто и понятно, даже бабушка моя там разобралась бы😆Но виснет кошмар, часто выбивает и выдает ошибку. Надеюсь это пофиксят, потомучто бесит немного)) и еще мне кредитный лимит не выдали( я указала маленький доход и...


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Alexander Williams
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From Alexander Williams | 9 months ago
1 review
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Не рекомендую, мав проблеми з виконавчою службою, арештували 1200 грн, банк прислав повідомлення що я можу користуватися карткою дальше: тобто арештовано 1200, в рештою я можу спокійно користуватися.. Я навіть звернувся в техпідтримку, мені це підтвердили. На карті було 500,я покинув ще енну суму, більшу ніж арктоштована, але коли я зібрався користуватися коштами то вони були теж арештовані, звернувся в підтримку, вони нічого зробити не можуть, винну свою визнають, кошти не повернуть. Шахраї!
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