The best hotels in Bukovel for families with children. How to choose the most comfortable and what to look for

Respectable resort Bukovel quickly won love among Ukrainians. This place attracts not only with the rest in the fabulous Ukrainian Carpathians, but also with the comfortable conditions that it has. At the same time, it does not matter at all what time of the year you decide to go there: in winter or in summer. It is good to relax here both yourself and with children, which the organizers of the resort also took care of. Ski schools, excursions, traditional cuisine, children's entertainment and comfortable family hotels. How to choose the best hotel for families with a child among them and what to look for when booking? We will tell you in this article.  

Why is it better to relax in the mountains with children in Ukraine, and not in Europe?

We can safely say that Ukraine, with its relatively small territory, is lucky in terms of places for recreation. In Odessa there is the sea, and in the Carpathians there are mountains. No need to fly to Switzerland or Austria and spend money on air tickets. For comparison, a ticket from Kiev to Ivano-Frankovsk will cost you only UAH 1,500, while the same ticket from the capital to Zurich costs two and a half times more. The cost of living and staying is also important, and in Bukovel it is much cheaper than in popular European resorts. The best hotels in Bukovel in winter offer prices from 2000 to 5000 hryvnia for a standard room, and the cost of the same room in a budget hotel in Zermatt starts from 8000 hryvnia per night. 

In addition, many parents use the summer warmth of the Carpathians to combine rest with the health of the child. The healing mountain air of Bukovel and its mineral waters are shown to children with various diseases of both the respiratory system and the digestive system. Surprisingly, all this is located near the capital and takes only a few hours either by plane, or by train for a relatively low price, or even by your own car: the road to Bukovel via Lviv from Kiev takes 750 km. If you travel in a comfortable mode with stops and meals along the way, the journey will take about 10-12 hours.

Below is a selection of Stories from vacationers in Bukovel with children. We especially liked the video from a mother with many children from Odessa.

What do the best Bukovel hotels offer to their guests who are vacationing with children?

In their approach to service and maintenance, the best Bukovel hotels treat little guests with the same attention as adults. Firstly, it is a balanced and rich diet, which is necessary for strength and energy during the Carpathian active rest. So the best hotels in Bukovel with meals for children offer such dishes of Ukrainian cuisine that it can be difficult for an adult to resist. This is the local delicious cheese made from sheep's milk, Transcarpathian banosh, local vegetables and fruits, as well as real Carpathian trout, rich in phosphorus and Omega-3. As desserts, different hotels offer children fresh berries and dumplings with cherries or cottage cheese. Most often, such dishes are cooked in the oven, on the grill, on the grill, or baked in clay pots. It's hard to forget their taste! 

Secondly, it is leisure on the territory. For example, some of the best hotels in Bukovel with a swimming pool offer outdoor terraces in summer, and the best hotels in Bukovel with an indoor pool are great for winter holidays. In addition, the best Bukovel hotels with spa are ideal for a family vacation, when parents can relax with a massage and be alone. Thirdly, all the best family hotels in Bukovel offer free accommodation for children under 2 years old and provide cots, and the rooms in them are spacious and easily accommodate a large family. Also, many of them have free children's rooms in which attentive nannies will look after your child.

It is difficult for Bukovel hotels to hide the real picture of how things are with the conditions and services for vacationers with children. Because guests often and willingly shoot Stories in which they show the real picture. We have collected such videos in the selection below. An absolute hit - the video "expectation / reality" from a married couple with two daughters ...

What leisure activities for adults with children do hotels in Bukovel offer?

A child in Bukovel is never bored. It is great to have a rest here due to the opportunity to choose the format of your vacation yourself. In winter, it is especially convenient to choose the best hotels in Bukovel near the ski lift. You can go skiing or snowboarding, you can go hiking, or you can even stay in your room or walk around the area. Today, there is also a children's ski school in Bukovel, where for one lesson worth from 600 hryvnia your child can be put on a board or skis. Among the options offered are also snowmobiles, sleds, ice rinks and even a snow bike. It is important to take into account that all equipment is rented here and this cost must be pledged separately: from about 400 hryvnia. But rest assured that such entertainment will be remembered by your child for a long time as an impressive Carpathian attraction. This is the main charm of winter Bukovel - all conditions have been created here to teach a child winter sports.

It is also convenient to have a rest in Bukovel in summer: at this time there are no mosquitoes at all! For parents with special active children, you can go hiking or picnic outings with stunning views. You can also go on an excursion to Yaremche or swim in warm pools and an inflatable water park on the territory of the famous VODA club complex. There is a separate playroom for young travelers, in which they are supervised by professional animators. And in winter in Bukovel there is another equally well-known children's entertainment center - Leopark, where you can leave your child to play for an hour or more.

The best Bukovel Hotels
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