Donte Reilly

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Donte Reilly
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От Donte Reilly | 6 months ago
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It all started with a headache, the kind that lingered just behind my eyes and refused to go away no matter how much water I drank or how many breaks I took. At first, I brushed it off—maybe it was stress, maybe just a lack of sleep. But when the headaches became more frequent, and I started feeling a strange pressure in my head every time I bent down, I knew it was time to see a doctor. I wasn’t prepared for what I heard next. “You have essential hypertension,” the doctor said, explaining that it was a fancy term for high blood pressure with no identifiable cause. It wasn’t just mild hypertension either; I was at Stage 2, which, as the doctor kindly but firmly pointed out, was not something to take lightly. “Is hypertension Stage 2 dangerous?” I asked, already knowing the answer but needing to hear it out loud. The nod I got in response was all I needed to know. The doctor laid out the facts for me—what hypertension was, how it affected my body, and what the long-term risks were if I didn’t get it under control. Hypertension definition medical terms can sound clinical, but when you hear them in relation to your own health, they take on a whole new weight. My blood pressure was putting strain on my heart, my arteries, even my eyes. The doctor mentioned something called ocular hypertension, which could eventually lead to glaucoma if I wasn’t careful. I had so many questions. What causes hypertension? Could I reverse Stage 2 hypertension? And more importantly, how did I get here? The doctor explained that while hypertension can be influenced by lifestyle factors—diet, exercise, stress—it’s not always clear-cut. For some people, it just happens, hence the term essential hypertension. But whether or not it had a clear cause didn’t change the fact that I needed to do something about it, and fast. We talked about treatment options. There were common hypertension medications that could help bring my blood pressure down, but medication alone wouldn’t solve the problem. I had to make lifestyle changes—cut down on salt, lose some weight, and, hardest of all, manage my stress. I laughed at the irony—being told to manage my stress was stressful in itself. The doctor also mentioned something I’d never heard of before—orthostatic hypertension, where your blood pressure spikes when you stand up. It was another piece of the puzzle, explaining why I sometimes felt lightheaded or dizzy when I got out of bed too quickly. And then there was the issue of my headaches. I asked how to get rid of them, and the answer was simple: “Get your blood pressure under control.” Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but it was the truth. As I left the doctor’s office with a prescription in hand and a long list of lifestyle changes to make, I felt overwhelmed. But there was also a sense of resolve. This wasn’t something I could ignore. I had to take it seriously. The doctor had talked about pulmonary hypertension and portal hypertension, conditions that could develop if I let my hypertension go unchecked. The thought of those additional complications was enough to make me realize that I needed to get on top of this now. So, I started making changes. I took my medication, watched what I ate, and made sure to move more. I even found ways to relax that didn’t involve scrolling through my phone or binge-watching TV. It wasn’t easy, and there were days when I wanted to throw in the towel, but I kept reminding myself of why I was doing this. Over time, the headaches became less frequent, and the pressure in my head eased up. My blood pressure readings started to come down, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was in control. I learned that hypertension wasn’t something that just happened to me—it was something I could manage, something I could fight against. And that made all the difference.
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