Lauren Michelle

277 reviews
168 helpful votes
37 disagrees

funds recovered

Від Lauren Michelle | 2 роки тому
277 відгуків
168 корисних
37 некорисних
GoldmanCFD/CryptoFX is a big scam, They scammed me for quite an amount of dollars, they keep asking for more deposits, and many excuses, when i requested for my withdrawal, and they did not allow me to withdraw my money from them not until i got referred to a recovery expert, and to God be the glory i was able to withdraw my money from them with of the help of the recovery expert, Mr Brandon Linton who helped me to recover my money back, he and his recovery action group of companies are experts in recovering every stolen online crypto asset. btc, if you notice any scam, you can also contact his email, or in case if you have been scammed and you are confused with getting your money back, contact his email, he will help you get your money back from the scammers, the way he did for me.
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