Logan Saunders

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Emirates my flight and review

Від Logan Saunders | рік тому
1 відгук
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I recently flew the Dubai-Singapore route with Emirates Airlines, and to be honest, I expected more from an airline of this caliber. From the start, I encountered issues with the onboard Wi-Fi. I had planned to get some work done during the flight, but the connection was spotty and made it challenging to complete tasks. Moreover, I ran into problems with the inflight entertainment system. For some reason, it took quite a while to start up on my seat. When I flagged down a flight attendant for assistance, they tried their best, but it still took a considerable amount of time to get it working. The first couple of hours went by without any movie or music. After our meal, another issue surfaced: the dishes weren't cleared away promptly. While I understand the crew was busy, it’s these small details that can dampen the flying experience. However, there were aspects of the flight I genuinely appreciated. The crew was attentive and responsive. Whenever I sought help or had a query, they were on hand to assist. And once the entertainment system was up and running, I was impressed with the array of choices available. In conclusion, while I faced several inconveniences this time, I still trust Emirates Airlines for my future travels. Their commitment to service quality is evident, and I always appreciate their efforts to make every flight as comfortable as possible for passengers.
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