Знаменитости о Caesars Palace Dubai 5*
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460 отзывов
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73 бесполезных
От Sponsored Review | 3 years ago
460 отзывов
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I'll start with the cons. In such a place, the mattresses and pillows are so uncomfortable, it's a nightmare. My neck instantly became numb and became wooden. In the morning I woke up like that Chucha. I asked the staff to replace the pillows with something human. They brought the baby. Well, at least she's comfortable. But in general, it's a horror, forcing guests to sleep on this. The rest of the hotel is very good. The room is wonderful, they clean it smartly, there is no dust anywhere. The whitest slippers, bathrobes, bed linen. The mask regime is observed, there is an antiseptic in the room, antiseptic everywhere. The beach is excellent, but even here there was a minus in the form of zoots, which constantly strove to fall from the wind. A nightmare. The attendant ran constantly and collected them. Fix them, after all, it is dangerous for both children and adults. Even if they are light, they can be unpleasantly scary. The restaurants are excellent, very tasty dinners, atmospheric, with wine. Breakfast was a buffet with snacks. Meat, fish, omelettes, vegetables in abundance. The pastries are incredible. Bravo to the chefs, excellent organization. In general, I can say that the hotel is good, but there are minor flaws, like everywhere else.
Sponsored Review
460 отзывов
97 полезных
73 бесполезных
От Sponsored Review | 3 years ago
460 отзывов
97 полезных
73 бесполезных
The hotel is not bad, but not wow 😕 Although there are cool reviews about Kaisar Palace Dubai and the opinion of customers here goes off scale. I arrived - nothing special. Just a stable Dubai hotel, where everything looks pompous and beautiful, but in fact they can’t even play normal music on the pool bar 🙄 I won’t say that everything is really bad here at Kaisar Palace Dubai. There are, of course, many more advantages. Initially, I must say that I went here on business and did not stop for rest. But the fact that there was a beach nearby and many shops - I was pleased. There is something to do in the evenings while relaxing here) The food at Caesars Palace Dubai also pleased me: I tried shrimp and here they are generally on the level) Cocktails are a diversion ☝️ Better take pure alcohol and don’t get fooled by all sorts of cocktails. As a person with experience, I’m telling you: it’s definitely something bred here, the taste is strange. Other than that it's a pretty normal hotel. I’m talking like a typical Dubai resort)) And there are still a lot of children, by the way, but I overlooked this when booking at Kaisar Palace Dubai 😁
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