Sponsored Review

460 reviews
100 helpful votes
72 disagrees

My review of Caesar Palace Dubai

From Sponsored Review | 3 роки тому
460 reviews
100 helpful
72 useless
I'll start with the cons. In such a place, the mattresses and pillows are so uncomfortable, it's a nightmare. My neck instantly became numb and became wooden. In the morning I woke up like that Chucha. I asked the staff to replace the pillows with something human. They brought the baby. Well, at least she's comfortable. But in general, it's a horror, forcing guests to sleep on this. The rest of the hotel is very good. The room is wonderful, they clean it smartly, there is no dust anywhere. The whitest slippers, bathrobes, bed linen. The mask regime is observed, there is an antiseptic in the room, antiseptic everywhere. The beach is excellent, but even here there was a minus in the form of zoots, which constantly strove to fall from the wind. A nightmare. The attendant ran constantly and collected them. Fix them, after all, it is dangerous for both children and adults. Even if they are light, they can be unpleasantly scary. The restaurants are excellent, very tasty dinners, atmospheric, with wine. Breakfast was a buffet with snacks. Meat, fish, omelettes, vegetables in abundance. The pastries are incredible. Bravo to the chefs, excellent organization. In general, I can say that the hotel is good, but there are minor flaws, like everywhere else.
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