The best hotels in Venice. Important tips for choosing a hotel in the most romantic city in Italy

There were times when noble families, aristocrats and unimaginably famous Italians lived within the walls of the best five-star hotels in Venice. Today, tourists from all over the world are welcome here, offering traditional hospitality, exquisite interiors and impeccable European service. For those who travel to Venice for the first time and choose a hotel for their acquaintance with this city, we decided to tell you about the main nuances and secrets that are useful to know before booking a hotel room.

Why is Venice so famous among tourists?

You need to visit Venice at least once in your life. You may have heard the saying that it's worth "seeing Paris and dying". Know that graceful and romantic Venice is in second place! Spread across about 120 islands, it is dotted with old bridges and gondola boats from which the voices of local gondoliers can be heard.

And this city on the water attracts with its magnificent palace architecture, cunningly intertwined streets and it seems that there is no other more mysterious and unusual place in the world. Why unusual? Try to find another such city somewhere in the world, the locals of which are calm about the fact that the main square in one day can be flooded with ankle-deep water. This happens here in winter, spring and autumn, and is called the period of "acqua alta", which means "high water". In summer, the waters of Venice remain calm, but this is the time when the city is considered the highest season for tourists. Therefore, if you want to calmly stroll through the streets and not stand in lines, then it is better to come to Venice not in May-August, but at any other time of the year. This is really one of the most spectacular cities not only in Italy, but also in the world, which is proved by the small list of legendary films that were filmed here. Among them - the romantic "Tourist" with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, as well as the most beautiful in the history of James Bond - "Casino Royale".

Where are the best and most expensive Venice hotels located? Is it possible to stay here on a budget?

The best hotels in Venice are worth looking for in the historical centers of the city: near the legendary squares and streets. Most often, the most expensive hotels in Venice are also located here, where the cost of staying for one night starts from 500 euros. It is believed here that the more beautiful the view from the hotel rooms, the more expensive the stay in it will be. So the best hotels in Venice overlooking the canal can cost 800, and 1000, and even 1500 euros for one night! But, as a rule, they are the best because they include in this price not only stunning views, but also attentive service with a convenient location.

You can also find the best hotels in Lido in Venice, which is a picturesque island 12 kilometers long. Living here is even more beautiful than in ordinary hotels in the city itself, because in all directions the island offers a view of the transparent lagoon. August is considered the peak here, when a lot of both tourists and Italians come to the Lido, so at this time the prices per night in hotels reach their maximum, and it is advisable to book much in advance.

Despite the fact that hotels in Venice set prices such that the price per day can be more expensive than the flight itself, you can still find inexpensive hotels in Venice. These are usually three-star and sometimes even four-star B&Bs, ranging from close to Piazza San Marco and the upscale Castello area to more secluded areas like Santa Croce and Dorsoduro.

What service do the best hotels in Venice provide to their guests?

The more stars a hotel has, the higher the level of its service. In this, the best hotels in Venice with a view of this fascinating museum city do not differ from other European ones. The most expensive and respectable 5-star hotels in Venice can satisfy any requests of sophisticated guests. They have Michelin-starred restaurants and on-site spas. Some hotels even have their own large outdoor pools and an entire tennis court for guests. They are not inferior in their interiors to premium furniture, which is furnished with suites for guests, and they surprise with collections of ancient art objects, boldly showing them to guests.

A funny fact is that one of the most expensive five-star hotels in this city has special areas for its guests, where they can enjoy the view of the lagoons and meditate in complete silence and solitude. 4-star hotels in Venice can no longer boast of such a level of service, but if you are not looking for sophisticated entertainment, then they will provide you with a delicious lunch, a good view from the window and a comfortable room with a bathroom and pleasant service.

What are the important nuances to be aware of before booking a hotel in Venice?

It is not difficult to make a choice in this town, because you just need to look at the ratings of the same Venice hotels on By understanding which of them travelers book most often, you can view photos and see if it is right for you. Venice is a city in itself, which you need to read about in advance in order to be ready for its rules. For example, to the fact that you can be fined at least 50 euros for feeding pigeons! And for swimming in the canals - and at all for 500 euros. Therefore, it is important to find out the rules of hotels before booking before the moment you make the payment.

Reviews of Venice hotels are also important. You can easily view them on our website, but we recommend that you additionally use the Ask.Direct service. This is a chatbot that will allow you to personally meet past guests of the best hotels in Venice and directly ask them any questions. At the same time, you don’t need to download anything: the chatbot will independently select for you a person who is ready to share his experience. All you need is to choose a convenient messenger in which you most often communicate with other people. We are confident that this feature will not only save you a lot of time that you would spend searching, but will also save you from booking rooms in hotels that do not meet your expectations.

The best hotels in Venice
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