Best hotels in Belek

Green and very comfortable - this is how the well-known resort region of Belek in Turkey can be described. Vacationers appreciate it for its mild Mediterranean climate and magnificent nature, which impresses with its healing power. But most of all, Belek is famous for respectable hotels, which usually have a 5-star status and offer guests a carefree all-inclusive concept. How to choose among them the best in the territory of this resort and what you should definitely pay attention to - we tell in this article.

Rest in Belek. What is special about this region?

Belek is called the resort pride of Turkey. This is the most elite holiday region in the country, where the most luxurious hotels with a high level of service and first-class services are located. This is one of the reasons why there are so few four-star hotels in Belek. Most of them have the status of "luxury" and are equipped with the latest landscape design.

The resort is known for its rich green nature and white sandy beaches, where the best Belek hotels for families with young children are located. The local climate is ideal for their recovery and strengthening of immunity: the air here is saturated with healing eucalyptus, cypress, pines and orange trees, which can often be found on the territory of the hotels themselves.

The infrastructure of Belek deserves the highest praise, including an abundance of souvenir shops, restaurants, cafes, nightclubs and water parks. The most famous and huge in Turkey is located here - The Land of Legends water park, which is also called Turkish Disneyland. On its territory there is a whole alley with boutiques and restaurants, 5D cinemas, an artificial volcano and a dolphinarium. For children, there are about 40 water attractions with more than 70 slides, and each zone of the water park is made in the style of a certain fairy tale.

Where are the best hotels located in Belek?

The peculiarity of Belek is that it is a small resort on the Mediterranean coast, which is famous among tourists. Its beachfront is only 20 km, which is divided exclusively between five-star hotels. That is why the best 5-star hotels in Belek are traditionally located on the first coastline with sandy beaches and are equipped with piers. Resting here is a real pleasure: the views from the windows of the rooms are impressive horizons, and the Mediterranean Sea is literally within reach.

But besides this, Belek is also known for thermal springs and golf courses. Therefore, there are such best 5 * hotels in Belek, which are surrounded by pine trees and spacious green fields with a picturesque landscape. Therefore, in your choice, you should look closely not only at hotels with direct access to the sea, but also at more intimate ones that are not on the first line. As a rule, they are included in the list of the best hotels in Belek for adults who go for a reboot, tranquility and complete relaxation in the famous resort. Nevertheless, noisy and greedy for discos young people rarely come here.

What service do the best hotels in Belek offer their guests?

Today, hotels in Belek are among the tops of the best hotels in Turkey and such success is fully justified by the level of services and services that they offer. All five-star hotels in this resort mostly have an all-inclusive system and even an ultra all-inclusive system, and therefore, while relaxing in them, you do not need to spend money on anything at all.

The best hotels in Belek have a lot of offers for leisure and entertainment. Firstly, they are famous for their luxurious spas, where you can get massages, beauty treatments and relax in well-equipped saunas. Territories of hotels, as a rule, are large-scale, well-groomed: with flowering greenery and several warm pools with clear water. In one of these local hotels in Belek, only a sandy white beach stretches 1 kilometer long! And in another - there are 10 modern golf courses, tennis and mini-football. Each can be reached by a special transfer. In addition, the best hotels in Belek have qualified instructors who teach the basics of surfing, diving and sailing. As well as experienced trainers who will conduct yoga, Pilates or water aerobics classes for you.

As a rule, in such hotels there are not one, but several restaurants where you can taste dishes from all over the world. The sweets that Turkey is famous for are not complete here, so the chefs of the best hotels in Belek always serve chocolate and homemade cakes.

The best hotels in Belek for families with children are teeming with kids clubs, water attractions and numerous special programs for them. Animators work in them, discos and open-air shows are held. It is noteworthy that professionally savvy staff work with children in the best five-star hotels in Belek, who can communicate with them in a friendly manner and speak several languages.

How to understand that the hotel you have chosen is really the best in Belek?

The easiest and most proven way to choose a decent hotel in Belek is to find out its reputation and reviews of past guests. Beautiful photographs are sometimes not enough and a variety of “surprises” can be hidden behind them. It's good if you find out about them before you pay for your tour.

That is why we recommend checking your choice with the rating of hotels in Belek, which is presented on our website. Here are the latest reviews of tourists and travelers who have already rested in them and are ready to share their experience through the Ask.Direct service. Thanks to this chatbot, you can personally contact one of them in a convenient messenger and ask questions about the hotel. Food, infrastructure, access to the sea, pools - get the most relevant reviews directly from real past guests and travelers.

Best hotels in Belek
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From F. Sponsored Review | 3 years ago
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From F. Sponsored Review | 3 years ago
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From F. Sponsored Review | 3 years ago
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Если бы я была блогером-миллицонником, я бы непременно расхвалила бы данный отель. Попадая на рецепшн, ты словно оказываешься на мягком облачке с легким ароматом цветов. Они везде )) В вазах в номере, в холле, в коридорах, на улице. Это просто какой-то рай! Мы с Дочерью приезжали понежиться в спа. Тут невероятный салон Аньяна! Просто как для восточных принцесс. Мастера говорят по-русски, и не просто так, а очень грамотно и толково дают консультацию. Помогают определиться с тем, какую процедуру выбрать. А еще нам ка...
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