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От Michael L. Rogers | 7 days ago
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Have you been a victim of cryptocurrency theft? You are not alone if your bitcoins have been stolen from your wallet or if you have been deceived by a fraudulent ICO or investment scheme. I experienced a comparable ordeal, losing a specific amount to FXT INVESTMENT and several other platforms in the span of three months. I was directed to a team known as ExpressHacker99 after contacting the authorities. It is remarkable that they were able to assist me in recovering every penny in less than two days. I am sharing my experience in order to increase awareness of cryptocurrency schemes and to mitigate the impact on other potential victims. Do not allow these thieves to prosper; take action to safeguard your investments. ExpressHacker99[at]gmail[dot]com is the email address to which you can contact the expert recovery team.
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От Macaulay Regis | 7 days ago
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Just after losing 1.3BTC to a scam investment platform, I started searching for a legitimate crypto recovery agent to help me recover my funds from the hands of the scammers. During this process, I was scammed of about $8K by fake agents who claimed to be legitimate. I just gave up and lost all hope of ever recovering my lost Bitcoin. However, thanks to a blog comment I read on Forbes that recommended a trusted recovery agency called Pro Asset Recovery Expert, I immediately contacted them and provided all the transaction records. They told me they had started the investigation and recovery. It took about 2 weeks, and all my coins were sent back to my wallet. The best thing is that this recovery agency doesn't ask for an upfront fee; they take payment from the funds recovered. I appreciate their work and I recommend them to anyone in need of a crypto recovery agent. You can contact them via e-mail at (ProAssetRecoveryExpert@ gmail com).
373 отзывов
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От Anonymous | 3 months ago
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Can lost Bitcoin be Found or Retrieved? Generally speaking, whether lost bitcoin can be found or not depends on how it was lost. Considering the quantity of missing cryptocurrency out there, people have begun offering services to help recover lost bitcoin. These include data recovery specialists, but you need a professional recovery expert like CONTACTZATTECHRECOVERY to help you get back your lost bitcoin. Contact them to recover lost bitcoin, bitcoin cash, as well as all other forms of cryptocurrency. And you can be sure that no matter how long it has been lost, you will still get your bitcoin worth. Contact our support team for further assistance: CONTACTZATTECHRECOVERY @ GMAIL COM NO UPFRONT PAYMENT! Thank me later.
Истории 5 клиентов BKEX за 3 года
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От Dave Huddlestone | 8 months ago
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I was scrolling my instagram when I saw an advert for this f^ke investment platform called bitblender.me that promised a great return on investment after 4 weeks and since I was close to retirement I thought it would be a great decision to take not knowing these are sc^mmers that have ruined the lives of so many innocent and unsuspecting people. I fell into depression after losing $ 61 k worth of Bitcoin because I did not know where to even start as I was actually close to retirement. It was my lawyer that noticed how I was keeping to myself and then decided to pay me a visit and when I finally told him what had happened he told me to be rest assured that the bitcoin I sent were recoverable. That is when he told me of Refund Policy a team of professional hackers that does his law firm’s cyber security. At first I was hesitant to contact Refund Policy but I am glad I later did because it was like magic how they helped me recover all the $ 61 k worth of bitcoin I had sent to the sc^mmers. I thank my lawyer for telling me of Refund Policy and I will forever be grateful because if not for them I might have just taken my own life and that’s why i am going to put their contact details here incase anyone needs their services, they can help you recover whatever it is you lose to sc^mmers. Their E - mail: refundpolicy 82 at gmail.com and their WhatsApp number is + 1 (229) 231 1959. Do not hesitate to get in touch with them if you ever need their services. They can also help you investigate a cheating partner.
Donte Saunders
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От Donte Saunders | a year ago
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They promised a guaranteed return on my investment but after investing my life savings, I got nothing in return. They seemed legitimate at first, but it was all a scam. I urge people to stay away from fake platforms and not risk their hard-earned money like I did. Report scam to  cybertecx net for payout solution 
Sponsored Review
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От Sponsored Review | 3 years ago
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Отзыв мой о г…венной бирже Вкех 🤬🤬🤬. Просто ппц ребята. Первое знакомство такое, что уже никакого доверия к ним нет. Интерфейс родом из девяностых, чесслово. Я еще пешком под стол ходил, каогда такие сайты были. Данные о начале работы вообще разнятся. В одном месте они пишут, что это 17й год, в другом – 18й. вы уже хоть врите складно чтоле. Лохов ищут🤬🤬. Бедненькое описание, ообленились и даже спец термины и обзоры не добавляют. Правильно, нафига вообще нанимать людей, привлекать спецов и экспертов, тут же на лоха все🤬🤬🤬 Менеджеры зато крутые, поддержка на уровне, блт. Так конечно, потому что у них главная цель ВЫЖАТЬ ДЕНЬГИ!! Как только они это сделают, вы больше не получаете ни поддержки ни фига. Обучения тут нет. Это тебе не какой-то там форекс, тут все серьезно, да. Как знаешь, так сам и обучайся и делай что хочешь. Депоозита вроде нет, но на тебя давят прям активно и заставляют таки его слить. Я лохонулся и не повторяйте моих ошибок. Это не биржа, это ошибка природы какая то. Не стоит ни внимания, ни доверия.
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